Dr. Jaroslav Egon Salaba Vojan
Foreign Language Press Survey - Community Supporter

The Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey was published in 1942 by the Chicago Public Library Omnibus Project of the Works Progress Administration of Illinois. The purpose of the project was to translate and classify selected news articles that appeared in the foreign language press from 1855 to 1938. The project consists of 120,000 typewritten pages translated from newspapers of 22 different foreign language communities of Chicago.


The Foreign Language Press survey, hosted by the Newberry Library has numerous references to Dr. Vojan and his involvement in supporting all facets of Czech life and Czech activities, especially in his local community.

Below are just several examples to support this from the Foreign Language Press Survey.

Report of the Activities of the Bohemian American Press Bureau
Denní Hlasatel, Mar. 5, 1911
A meeting was held on February 17, by the Bohemian-American Press Bureau, in the rooms of the Bohemian Club. The meeting was brought to order by the chairman of the executive committee, Mr. John Fucik, who requested the gathering to rise in silent tribute to the memory of the departed founder and first president, Mr. J. Rosicky. Then he requested Mr. Beranek to take over the conduct of the meeting.........................................

Following this, the manager, Dr. J. E. Salaba Vojan, made his report of the activities of the Bureau during the first year of its existence. The activity of the Bureau can be separated into five departments:

New Officers of the Bohemian-American Press Rureau
Denní Hlasatel, Mar. 17, 1911

Election of officers of the Bohemian-American Press Bureau took place at the last meeting of the newly elected executive committee. James F. Stepina was elected chairman to replace Mr. John J. Fucik, who resigned from the office because of increased business matters. The retiring chairman was tendered a vote of thanks of the other members for the good work he has done for the organization. Mr. Em. Beranek remains vice-chairman; R. Jaromir Psenka, as secretary, and Mr. Frank J. Skala, as treasurer. Mr. Fucik accepted the chairmanship of the financial committee.

The agreement between the executive committee and the directors, Doctor J. Salaba Vojan was extended for another year. Another important decision was for the revision of the English text books and encyclopedic works, and the sending of corrections and informative articles to publishers, whose publications do not give the happenings about Bohemians and Bohemia correctly.


The Entire Bohemian Group in Chicago Will Participate
Denní Hlasatel, July 28, 1911

Never perhaps in the history of Bohemian Chicago was such interest shown about anything. Never was such expectation prevalent as we are now witnessing and experiencing in view of the Havlicek festivities which will take place next Saturday and Sunday. The name of Havlicek is on everyone's lips these days. There is no one among us who does not know the significance and merits of Havlicek, who does not admit that such a man is deserving of having his memory preserved forever in the hearts of a grateful posterity, and who would not endeavor to contribute as much as possible to honoring his memory.

The Havlicek Monument in Douglas Park will be unveiled next Sunday. We do not want to write at length about the history of the Monument..... Here we wish only to introduce the kind of program that has been arranged by the arrangements committee for the days of the celebration. A mass meeting of Havlicek worshippers will be held Saturday in Pilsen Park on Twenty-sixth Street at Albany Avenue. Care will be taken to provide plenty of refined entertainment and arouse a real festive mood. Mr. A. Konopasek's band will play, and a gymnastic exhibition will be held. Both Sokol Camps will work here harmoniously side by side, so as to show that the spirit of Havlicek has best been grasped by the Sokols, that in their ranks he has the largest number of most enthusiastic followers, that his principles and ideas constitute the Sokols' most precious possession. Girls from the National Sokol Unity will perform exercises with tennis rackets; girls representing all Chicago units will take part in the first exercises, while the second set of exercises will be performed by girls of Sokol Tabor. We can assure the public that these exercises will provide a beautiful as well as enjoyable treat for the spectators, so that no one who can possibly manage to do so should fail to come. It was this set of exercises which aroused the greatest enthusiasm at the last Group Congress in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

The Fuegner-Tyrs Group will appear before the public on this occasion in a most dignified manner. This group will send its pupils, women and men sokols, to demonstrate how remarkably they drill and how they endeavor so that their activities may be an honor not only to their own societies, their own groups, but an embellishment to the Havlicek celebration.

The evening program will consist of musical numbers interspersed by speeches of countrymen prominent in public life. Speakers thus far announced are: Mr. Jar. R. Psenka, Dr. J. E. Salaba Vojan, Mr. Jos. Jurka, Mr. J. Tvrzicky-Kramer. It is certain that Bohemian-American country life will be represented by its best sons, who will also speak in honor of Havlicek. Mr. St. E. Vraz, our famous traveler, will transport the spectators to our native homeland. He will show interesting lantern slides picturing memorable places, primarily those which have a bearing on Havlicek.

On Sunday, the societies taking part in the parade will take their places at the pre-arranged time and place in order that the parade may start at the time set. The parade will leave from Pilsen Sokol hall, and after several turns through different streets will end in the Pilsen Park on Twenty-sixth Street.

The celebration at the monument will start at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The program, as is customary upon such occasions, will consist of music and speeches. Mr. Brousek's band will provide the music. The speaker of the occasion, in English, will be Professor Jar. Zmrhal, in Bohemian, Jaroslav Kosar; the unveiling of the monument will be performed by the chairman of the Monument Committee Mr. Vojt. Sedlacek; the chairman of the Park Board, Mr. W. Kolacek will present the monument to the Governor of the State of Illinois; Governor Deneen will accept the monument in a suitable speech, after which Mayor Harrison of Chicago will address those present. The Ustredni Jednota Pevecka (Central United Singing Societies) will sing Smetana's "Veno", which will surely be one of the finest numbers of the program. All our countrymen will be greatly affected by greetings from Bohemia delivered by a representative of the Bohemian National Council, Mr. St. E. Vraz.

A concert will be given in the evening in Pilsen Park. The celebration will be ended thereby, but its beneficent effects upon our entire national life will begin to appear. These we anticipate as eagerly as the celebration itself, yes, even more.


Cesko-Americka Narodni Rada
Denní Hlasatel, Feb. 9, 1913

The Cesko-Americka Narodni Rada (Bohemian-American National Council) started the year with the election of new members for the executive committee, which is composed of the following ladies and gentlemen: Mrs. Bujarek Stanek, Dr. Ludvik Fischer, Mr. Jan Geringer, Mr. J. Kosar, Mr. J. Ort, Mr. J. R. Psenka, Mr. James Stepina, Mr. Joseph Triner, Mrs. Lud. Vesely, Mr. E. St. Vraz, Professor Jar. Zmrhal. The newly elected associate members are Messrs. E. Beranek and F. J. Skala for the Cesko-Americka Tiskova Kancelar (Bohemian-American Press Bureau), and Dr. J. Salaba Vojan for the Cesko-Americky Umelecky Klub (Bohemian-American Arts Club). To the information and reception committee were elected: Messrs. J. M. Kralovec, V. B. Dibelka, Dr. F. Novak, E. Bachmann; Mrs. A. Stolf, Mrs. M. Smrcka, Miss Jar. Bohac, and Miss Emilie Sustr. As representatives of other important lodges and organizations were elected: For the Cesko-Slovanske Podporujici Spolky (Bohemian-Slavonic Benevolent Societies); Mr. Jan Pecha; for the Velkoloze Jednoty Taboritu

Standpoint of Czechoslovak Legionnaires of Chicago Almost Unanimously Approved; Special Committee of Members of Legionnaires and Americka Obec Sokolska to be Appointed to Devise Principles of a New National Body in Place of Existing Ceskoslovonske Narodni Sdruzeni v Americe
Denní Hlasatel, Apr. 20, 1920
Our readers are well-informed about the outbreak of the recent ill-omened dispute between the Czechoslovak Legionnaires of Chicago and the Ceskoslovenske Narodni Sdruzeni v Americe (Czechoslovak National Alliance of America), to be exact, between the Czechoslovak Legionnaires and the officers of the latter institution. We published a report of the meeting called by the Czechoslovak Legionnaires of Chicago two weeks ago and so far we have also published proclamations and resolutions from both sides without exception. Today, again, we merely report on yesterday's meeting and we leave it to our readers to form their own opinions about this unhappy incident, which recently so much excited our people. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that through yesterday's meeting the dispute will be settled forever, as it is surely desired for the benefit of our nation..................

Voices from the audience interrupted him shouting: "Vojan! Vojan!"

Dr. Jaroslav E. Salaba Vojan was assisted on to the stage by several Legionnaires. He began his speech by saying that at the past meeting of the Cesko-slovenska Narodni Rada v Americe, it was decided to reorganize the Ceskoslovenske Narodni Sdruzeni v Americe to such an extent that in the future the Cesko-slovenske Narodni Sdruzeni v Americe will be only a member of the Ceskoslovenska Narodni Rada v Americe and a real representative of the free thought movement. This report as received with great joy. He remarked that he was astonished that this was not made known before, when much of the excitement and trouble could have been avoided. Closing the meeting, Mr. Kaderka asked the audience to work in harmony with the Legionnaires for the new national organization.


Yesterday's Mass Meeting Called by the Czechoslovak Legionnaires of America in Pilsen Park Pavilion Was Well-Attended and Had a Stormy Proceeding
Denní Hlasatel, Apr. 6, 1920

Long before the stipulated hour set for the mass meeting, called by the Czechoslovak Legionnaires of America and held in the Pilsen Park Pavilion, the hall began to fill with people and by the time the meeting opened every seat was taken and many people were standing. As soon as the meeting was called to order by Mr. Ludvik Kaderka, president of the Legionnaires, it was noticeable that the atmosphere was very tense and only a little spark was needed to touch off the storm in all its fury. Several timesit almost came to that, but thanks to the energetic and quick interference of the above-named president, it was warded off in time, although often with great difficulty. In opening the meeting, Mr. Kaderka assured the audience that the Legionnaires are fully aware of their duty toward our people. They are far from wanting to destroy, in fact they want to build; they yearn for fruitful and useful work. However, they are interested in national purgation and they consider it as their sacred duty to take this purgation into their own hands and to carry it out to the finish. Mr. Kaderka then introduced the first speaker, Doctor Jaroslav E. Salaba Vojan, whose speech we publish in full. He said, "I am going to speak without any oratorical embellishments. The matter under consideration is of vast importance. Oratorical embellishments may temporarily arouse, and bring the spontaneous applause of the audience, but today neither I nor any of the speakers to follow, can be interested in that. I am not speaking to you alone, ladies and gentlemen, but I am speaking to the conscience of all freethinking Czechsin America.

"This meeting was called by the Legionnaires. Did they have the right to call it? I think that they did. In the resolution of the Executive Committee of the Americka Obec Sokolska (American Sokol Unity), national undiscipline is spoken about and the District Committee of the Ceskoslovenske Narodni Sdruzeni v Americe (Czechoslovak National Alliance of America) even speaks about the subversive work of Legionnaires and unanimously condemns it. Please consider impartially! When we, here in Chicago, greeted the first hundred returning Czechoslovak Siberian Legionnaires, and when they told us that the Legionnaires as a whole were very anxious to return home to Czechoslovakia, because they are needed there to help reform the prevailing conditons in the Czechoslovak Republic, when these, our guests, repeatedly proclaimed that they would clean house, they were applauded by Bohemian-Chicago, Bohemian-New York, and in fact by all of Bohemian-America. Do not you think that when all of the Czechoslovak Siberian Legionnaires return to Czechoslovakia and really start to clean house, there will be many people in Czechoslovakia who will proclaim it as a national undisciplined and subversive work?  .....................................................................

Festivals Arranged to Celebrate Second Anniversary of Czechoslovak Independence the Festival in Sokol Chicago Hall
Denní Hlasatel, Oct. 29, 1920
The official celebration of the Twenty-eighth of October to commemorate the second anniversary of the "Declaration of Independence" of the Czechoslovak Republic was given at the Sokol Chicago hall by the district committee of the Czechoslovak National Alliance of America, the Chicago district of the National Alliance of Bohemian Catholics of America, and the first district of the Slovak League of America. A long time before the program started, all the main floor seats were occupied and the entrances to the galleries had to be opened in order to accommodate the throngs of people who were coming in.

Dr. Jaroslav E. Slaban Vojan, a member of the executive committee of the Federation of Bohemian Freethinkers, was the last speaker of the evening. In his lengthy and logically arranged speech, he talked on the invigoration of the Free Thought movement. The speaker was master of his subject, and he was loudly applauded.

The celebration ended with community singing. An admission fee of ten cents was charged for this mass meeting. The total proceeds of this celebration will be donated to humanitarian causes which the Czechoslovak Legionnaires of Chicago have in their program.