Atlas Brewing Company


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The Atlas Brewing Company was first organized as the Bohemian Brewing Company

In a 1922 court case involving the estate of Otto Kubin, information was provided on the creation of the Bohemian Brewing Company in 1891 in Chicago.

"The record discloses that in 1891, Charles J. Vopicka, Otto Kubin and John Kralovec, who were brothers-in-law, together with a few other persons, organized the Bohemian Brewing Company of Chicago, which name was soon after changed to the Atlas Brewing Company, with a capital of $150,000 consisting of 1,500 shares at $100 per share. The principal stockholders and the number of shares held by each were: Vopicka, 415; Kubin, 415; Kralovec, 345; Mrs. Jonas, 100; John Geringer, 50; James Storkan, 25. The remaining 150 shares were held by a few relatives and employees." (1)


Below: Summary information found on the original investors in the Bohemian Brewing Company

Charles Vopicka




Born in 1857, village near Prague.  Arrived in USA by 1880, spending some time in Racine and Milwaukee.  1881 in Chicago.  1881 Vopicka and Kubin real estate and banking until 1889.  Bohemian and Atlas Brewing.  4 years director of Kaspar State Bank.  1913 Pres Wilson appointed Vopicka as Envoy to Rumania, Serbia and Bulgaria.  1883 he married Victoria Kubin, sister to Otto Kubin, also a founder of Bohemian (then Atlas) Brewing Company.


Click Here For PDF File - Obituary of Charles Vopicka


Charles Vopicka and Otto Kubin 1888

Advertisement Amerikan Kalendar, Publisher August Geringer, Chicago, Illinois, 1888.

Otto Kubin


Additional Information - Charles Vopicka and Otto Kubin

Article from the Foreign Language Press Survey based on article in Czechoslovak Review (no date provided).

" The year 1880 finds young Vopicka in the United States. After spending a

short time in Racine and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he decided seek his fortune in Chicago, Illinois, where he arrived in 1881, and has made his home ever since. Immediately he became an American citizen. In the fall of that year he formed a partnership with Otto Kubin under the name of Vopicka and Kubin, which engaged in the real estate and banking business until 1889. Due to a close application to the affairs of the firm by both partners the business prospered and civic honors began to be showered upon Mr. Vopicka. From 1894 until 1897 he was a member of the Chicago West Park Commission; from 1901 until 1907 he was member of the Chicago Board of Education; from 1902 until 1904 he was a member of the Chicago Board of Local Improvements; in 1906 and 1912 respectively, he served on the Chicago Charter Commission, and the Chicago Association of Commerce.

About this time he organized the Atlas Brewing Company of Chicago and became its President and Manager. For four years he served as a director of the Kaspar State Bank, Chicago, and from 1909 until 1913 he was a member of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association. "

James Storkan




Geringer And Storkan Loans

Advertisement Dziennik Chicagoski Chicago, Illinois, Saturday, February, 24, 1912 Page3

James Storkan

James Storkan

Born in 1871 in Chicago.  Storkan was licensed to practice law in 1893.  In 1894 he entered into a partnership, with John Geringer, in the real estate loan and private banking business.    Founded 1898 insurance and mortgage business, later became a state bank, Geringer and Storkan.  Retired in 1933. Oldest surviving member of original stockholders of Bohemian Brewing / Atlas Brewing Company.  Married Marie Emilie Kralovec in 1894, daughter of John and Julia Kubin Kralovec.

Obituary James Storkan Chicago Tribune Friday September 4, 1964 Page 44.

Otto Kubin and Charles Vopicka 1886





Advertisement Amerikan Kalendar, Publisher August Geringer, Chicago, Illinois, 1886.

Early newspaper announcements for the opening of the Bohemian Brewing Company

Bohemian Brewing Begins

Advertisement Duch Casu, Publisher Frantisek Zdrubek, March 22, 1891 Page4.

Bohemian Brewing Incorporation

Chicago Tribune, Sunday, February 8, 1891, Page12.

Bohemian Brewing Baseball Team Challenges

The Chicago Chronicle August 25,1896 Page 8.

Bohemian Brewing Holds Reception

The Inter Ocean Newspaper Tuesday, December 22, 1891 Page8.

John Geringer



John Geringer – John Geringer was born in 1852 in Breznice, Bohemia. (Read the whole story -  John Geringer and James Storkan operated the mortgage and financial firm of Geringer and Storkan.  The original real estate business was founded by Charles J. Vopicka and Otto Kubin.  John Geringer married Mary Kubin in 1874.  Mary Kubin was the sister of Otto Kubin.  John and Mary’s daughter Amalie would marry Anton Laadt, who would become one of the directors of the Atlas Brewery.  Their son, Emil, would work at the Geringer and Storkan Bank. John Geringer died in 1932.




Chicago Tribune Thursday, July 7, 1932,Page 14.

John Geringer






Geringer And Storkan Loans

Advertisement Dziennik Chicagoski Chicago, Illinois, Saturday, February, 24, 1912 Page3

John Kralovec

John Kralovec was born in 1849 in Nevolice, Bohemia.  Arriving here, he began work in Chicago in construction and with his brother James would form their own construction company. “John Kralovec and Brother” in 1883.  By 1890 John became interested in real estate.  John Kralovec married Julia Kubin, daughter of Martin Kubin in 1873.  Otto Kubin was her brother.  Sister Mary married John Geringer.  Sister Victoria married Charles Vopicka.

Chicago Tribune Sunday, March 1, 1931, Page16.


AD - Bohemian Brewing Company - Amerikan Kalendar, Publisher, August Geringer, Chicago, Illinois, 1896, Page 262


John Kralovec



1892 Amerikan Kalendar, Publisher, August Geringer, Chicago, Illinois, Page21.


The Friends of Bohemian National Cemetery have a good article related to John Kralovec.

John Kralovec – 

1896 - The Bohemian Brewing Company Renamed To The Atlas Brewing Company

Chicago Newspaper - The Inter Ocean, December 3, 1896, Page 11: “The Bohemian Brewing Company, Chicago: certified to change of name to Atlas Brewing Company.  (AD Left Atlas Brewing Chicago Eagle, Chicago, Illinois, Saturday March 12, 1898, Page13.)

Chicago Newspaper - The Inter Ocean January 1, 1902, Page 16:  Atlas Brewing Company. Few of the Chicago breweries have had such prosperous year as- the Atlas Brewing company of 680 to 706 Blue Island avenue, which under the capable administration of President Charles J. Vopicka increased its output to such a gratifying extent that the management was compelled to increase its storage capacity considerably.

Otto Kubin. secretary and treasurer of the Atlas Brewing Company, reports an increased demand for the firm's product among the out of town trade, which has reached almost twice its former proportions.  During the past season the Atlas Brewing Company made a decided hit with its tonic specialty, manufactured from pure malt, hops, and pepsin, and which has become exceedingly popuar under the name of "Pettomaltine."

The Atlas Brewing company is equipped with all the latest improved machinery necessary for manufacturing the high-class products which are making the company's output Justly popular, and the management is more than pleased to have interested visitors examine the complete plant and observe what care and ingredients' are employed in the manufacture of its product."

Chicago Newspaper - The Inter Ocean, Tuesday, January 1, 1907, Page 10: BREWING COMPETITION KEEN. These Are Days of Pure Food and Pure Liquid Reform . - In these halcyon days of pure food and liquid reform the great brewing and malting establishments of the middle West, and more particularly those of Chicago, seem to be striving to outdo one another La their efforts to Impress upon the consumer the desirable and beneflcial qualities of their particular brands. Competition Is keen, as It is In all other lines of business, but the volume of trade has been so enormous through the year just closed that all have been Immensely successful. .

Particularly is this true In the sale of the standard brands. Take one case, for Instance, that of the Atlas Brewing company. This firm, the bottling works of which are situated at 684 Blue Island avenue, almost doubled Its output of the preceding year. The Atlas company produced between 160,000 and 200,000 barrels of Magnet beer alone In 1906, while the output of Peptomalt, king of tonics, made by the same concern, was a big enterprise In itself, and far exceeded that of the old year."

(AD Right - Atlas Brewing Company 1907 Amerikan Kalendar, Publisher August Geringer, Chicago, Illinois. 1907, Page352.)

AD Atlas Brewing Company Amerikan Kalendar 1899 Publisher August Geringer, Chicago, Illinois. Page 262.

AD Atlas Brewing Company Amerikan Kalendar, Publisher August Geringer, Chicago, Illinois, 1901, Page, 258.

AD Atlas Brewing Company For Magnet Beer Newspaper, The Inter Ocean, Chicago, Illinois, Friday, January 1, 1904, Page38.




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(1) Otto Kubin Estate court case -