Central European Links

Page offers tools, resources, and information to help you search your Czech family history and ancestry. They also maintain a comprehensive Slovak page.


Some Czech lineage, especially those from South Bohemia and from Dzbanov u Vysoke Myto.


Includes census info, place names, churches, maps, the military and more. 


Type Slovakia in the search box. Click on Search. A list of available maps appears in a column on the right side of the screen. Click on the thumbnail.


Lengthy list of surnames of Hungarian nobility includes the territory that is now Slovakia. Lengthy bibliography included. Because the list does not link specific surnames with particular locations, it may not be possible to link a particular surname with YOUR ancestral family.


Site in Slovak. 1) Select "priezviska", then select a letter of the alphabet. Connect with others doing research on the same surname. 2) Select "sluzby", contact information for professional researchers.


Hungarian National Archives. Site in Hungarian: documents also in latin. 1) Select the 1715 tax list from the options on the left side: select the county of interest from the list on the left side, then select the town/village from the list on the left side. Then you will see a transcript of names of the taxables   (serf heads of households). Look at the actual image to see how large a farmstead a person was taxed on, the size of his harvest, his social status, and at the end of the list a description of agriculture in the village.  2) Select a different data base and search "kereses" for your surnames of interest.
