Czech Regional Archives

Slovak Records

Web site Slovak National Archive

The Slovak National Archive is the largest and most significant public archive in the Slovak Republic. Its role is to sort through, protect, professionally and scientifically process, enable access to and thus facilitate the use of archive documents, which originate from activities of the central governmental institutions of the Slovak Republic and their legal predecessors; documents with nation-wide relevance as well as documents gained by the SNA through a purchase, as a gift, or based on depository treaties. The SNA is simultaneously the main science and research, methodological and educative work-place in the field of archiving and conservation and restoration of archive documents in the Slovak Republic.

The Slovak National Archive has selected for digitalization a part of archive documents from the archive funds: Census from the years 1930, 1939 and 1940, documents from the Ministry of Culture from the years 1969-1989 and the most research-used part of the archive Fund of Visual Arts before 1989, so called Actions. It is documentation of economic and approval character for various publically funded artistic commissions, of great historical significance.

Additional Europe Archives

Prague City Archives -

Matricula -

Here you can find church registers (mostly books of birth, marriage and death) from various European countries (currently Austria, Germany, Poland and Serbia).