Czech Legion

Resources Found On The Internet

Czechoslovakia became an independent nation after World War One.  During World War One the largest number of soldiers from that region fought as soldiers of the Central Powers; the empires of Germany, Austria Hungary and the Ottomans (Turkey).

That said, the most documented and researched are those soldiers who fought for the Allies.  They came from the land which would become Czechoslovakia, but also Czechs from other countries of the world, especially from the United States.

They were given various names, the "Czech Legion", the "army with no (without) a country", and others.  The Legion members fought in France and Italy, but the largest group fought on the Eastern Front, in Russia.

The Czech Legion did not end their involvement in Russia when World War One ended, nor were they the only non Russian military in Russia still in Russia after the end of the war.

The story of the Russian Front Czech Legionnaires continued through 1920 as they moved across Russia to Vladivostok, where eventually ships carried them to other parts of the world.  Many would finally reach their newly independent homeland.

The Internet has many web sites which add to the story of the Czech Legion, most related to their exploits in Russia.  We have found some which might be of interest to those seeking more information, and posted them below.  (Emblem - Wikipedia Public Domain)

If you have access to online papers, such as, just Google "Czech Legion" and you will find your screen listing a very large number of news posts.  Many of the newspapers carried articles during the time the Czech Legion was active and it is not too hard to find articles of the Russian component of the Czech Legion assembling in Vladivostok and beginning to leave Russia.

Chicago Foreign Language Newspapers printed articles on Chicago Czech organizations and their efforts to aid all Czech soldiers and their families. They cover the period from 1917 to 1922.

Internet Resources:

One of the better places to start for those of us beginning to discover the story of the Czech Legion.

Military Forgotten History has a good summary, but some excellent images. is a treasure trove of books with pages of many books referencing the Czech Legion.  You must join.  That is free.  Search under "czech legion in siberia" (suggestion) and numerous books will be found.  But most are newer publications so you can sign up to read the books online, each for one hour at a time.  What is also interesting is the area around Murmansk held American, Canadian and British forces during WWI.  This might also be of interest to you.

Another good general summary site, mentioning that the Czechs fought on several fronts.  Some good images too.

Radio Free Europe - Excellent site as it contains so many more images than most of the other topic related web sites.

Okay summary, but also explains a bit of the legend of the Czech Legion and the Tsar's gold.

Allied Expeditionary Forces - Siberia - Their article on the Czechoslovak Legion

(Images below: "K Vitezne Svobode", Rudolf Medek, Prague 1928)

Internet Resources:

Excellent book, many images, Czech Legion in Siberia - Format resembling PowerPoint

The United States Army in Russia 1918 - 1920.  World War One was over but the United States was still involved in Russia, along with the Czech Legion.  This web site provides a good summary.

CZECH LEGION DATABASE - This one, in Czech language, has a searchable list and it seems a chance to post image of someone who was in the Legion.

CZECH LEGION DATABASE - Website of Czech Military - Database of those who served in the Czech Legion - In Czech of course!

An example of members of the Czech Legion leaving Vladivostok and beginning their journey home.  Canada was one of those first destinations on their goal of reaching their home, whether in Europe, or elsewhere.

This writer used Ancestry and just searched passenger records listing departure of Vladivostok in 1920 and 1921.  The computer screen filled with examples.  Several below - hundreds of men from Vladivostok to Vancouver, Canada.