John Geringer - Brother to August Geringer
John Geringer was born to Vaclav Geringer and Amalie Barty Geringer on 12-9-1852 at Breznice #2. He arrived in the USA from Port Bremen to Port Baltimore on 11-1-1870 aboard the ship Ohio, with an Ancestry spelling of Gerenfer, but the correct spelling on the ship registry.
Maria Kubin, age 9, arrived at Port Baltimore from Port Bremen on 11-30-1867 aboard the ship Industrie. Her family; Martin 45, Antonie 36, Julia 15, Charles 7, and Victoria arrived with her.
His married brother, August Geringer (204763131) had arrived in the USA in 1869.
Article - Amerikan Narodni Kalendar - 1933
Jan Geringer, younger brother of the late publisher "Svornosti", Mr. August Geringer, ( Image left not from the Kalendar article - but - Geringer And Storkan Bank AD Dziennik Chicagoski Chicago Illinois Sat Feb 24 1912 Page 3) founder of the well-known mortgage firm Geringer and Storkán, honest of a shin and good man, died Monday, July 4, 1882 after 9 pm in Algonquin, 111 Jan Geringer was born on December 8, 1853 in Breznice, Czech Republic, who attended elementary school and later studied as a teacher, but at a relatively young age he set out for a trip to America, directly to Chicago. , where his older brother Augustin had moved out, sent to John, the youngest of the four brothers, on his way and afterwards he had counsel and money in his troublesome beginnings. He was the gardener in the estate of Prince Švarcenborg, who were the sons of the teacher Václav Geringer in March and his wife Amalle, and also the father of Václav Geringer was a teacher. telskému and clung with uncommon love. Immediately after his arrival in Chicago, however, did not become a teacher Jan, because not even after excise experience, or place. He devoted himself to music at the beginning, he played and later also taught violin and other instruments. Wenceslas, as well as a teacher at the school at the Church of St. Wenceslas. Mr. Geringer has devoted himself to this vocation for many years, and he actually operated the organ choir headquarters until his death, although he changed his schooling into a Business Occupation, in which he worked out a great fortune. In 1874, Mr Geringer married Miss Maria Kubin, with whom he had lived very happily until his death, the happy marriage 'was blessed with a total of seven children, four sons and three daughters. The eldest
daughter was Amalie, married to Anton Laadt, the director of the Atlas brewery, and the youngest was son Charles M., a lawyer based in Oak Park. Among them were the sons of Emil J., a clerk of the firm. Geringer and Štorkan, 1518 W. Roosevelt rd., Originally a real estate business, founded by the county of Vopička and Kubín, later taken over by the late Jan Geringer, transformed into a bank under the present name and again transformed into a mortgage institution known to hundreds our countrymen; John and Otto Geringer, the owners of the gold mine in Mojave, Cal., And Marie, married to architect Robert W. Layer, and Juliet, married to Fr. Luke, the President of the Great, was blessed with a total of seven delights, four sons and three daughters. The eldest daughter was Amalie, married to Anton Laadt, director of the Atlas brewery, and the youngest was son Charles M., a lawyer based in Oak Park. Among them were the sons of Emil J., a clerk of the firm. Geringer and Štorkan, 1518 W. Roosevelt rd., Originally a real estate business, founded by the county of Vopička and Kubín, later taken over by the late Jan Geringer, transformed into a bank under the present name and again transformed into a mortgage institution known to hundreds our countrymen; John and Otto Geringer, the owners of the gold mine in Mojave, Cal., And Marie, married to architect Robert W. Layer, and Juliet, married to Fr. Lukes, Chairman of the Seed Trade Alb. Dickinson & Co. In Chicago Jan Geringer lived with his wife in No. 1024 already. Winchester ave., But every year he went to a summer apartment in nearby Algonquin. Mrs. Geringer is your sister of the wife of Mr. Karel J. Vopička, while her second sister was married to Mr. Jan Královec. On September 8, 1924, the Geringer couple celebrated a golden wedding. Jan Geringer was socially well known and popular. He was a good companion and worker. In Jan Geringer, a rare, steadfast pioneer and a true self-academic left the Czech colony of Chicago. To our old settlers, his appearance, his upbringing and the memories of his public work in earlier years will never disappear from memory.

Image above: 1880 Chicago Directory (All directories from
1880 Illinois Cook Chicago 086 Page 1
John Geringer 28, Mary 24, Milley 4, John 2/12
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D0249 Page 21 501 Washingron
John Teringer 47, Marie 33, Emil 20, John 10, Otto 14, Marie 13, Julie 11, Charles 9
1910 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 11 D0543 Pages 34-35 1024 Winchester
John 56, Marie 53, Emil J. 29, John O. 27, Otto C. 24, Marie J. 23, Julia V. 21, Charles M.
Also at 1030 Winchester
Antonia Kubin 77
Charles and Victoria Kubin Vopicka family
1930 Illinois Cook Chicago D0896 Page 3 1024 Winchester
John Geringer 76, Mary 73
Jan Habenicht's 1904 book, appears in my opinion, to have a favorable review of the Catholic Church and all of its participants. But a rather dim view of Free Thinkers. Frantisek Zdrubek and August Geringer are described differently in Havenicht's book. But August Geringer's brother John remained Catholic and is portrayed in a different light.
Dejiny Cechuv Americkych (The History of the Bohemia of America)
Jan Habenicht
S Mnohymi Obrazy (With Many Images)
V St. Louis Mo. (In Saint Louis, Missouri)
Tiskem A Nakladem Casopisu,. Hlas PRINT AND LOAD OF MAGAZINE REPORT
Veslera Prava Vyhrazena Rights Reserved
Page 607
On June 2, 1883, the first issue of the Catholic weekly "Cechoslovana", published by Jan Geringer (brother of the publisher "Svornosti") and Viktorin Keclík, was published in Chicago. Keclik was born on 23 September 1840 in Breznice near Písek. He emerged in the cloth factory in Mimon near Liberec and settled in Pribram, where he operated his craft for 12 years. In November 1880, he arrived in Chicago, where he was the "Svornosti" expeditor for over half a year: after that he worked for nine months in a pennant. In 1882 he founded a Catholic bookstore with Jan Geringer. He died in Chicago on April 27, 1906.
The weekly was democratic, Catholic. When later Jan Geringer gave up journalism, published Keclík "Cechoslovana" himself until June 20, 1895. After that it was published in reduced format by his son Otakar until his demise in September 1897.
Pages 619-620
In the same year he became a teacher at the school of St. Vaclav Jan Gerlnger, managed office for fifteen years. Jan Geringer was born on December 8, 1853, in Bezniei, in the Písek region, where his father Václav was a teacher. His eldest brother (already was a parish priest in Modrá Hrce near Týn nad Vltavou, and the other brother is a publisher "Svornost," "Spirit of Time" and "American" in Chicago. Later founded
in Chicago bookstore and printing shop and published with Vikt. Keclík weekly "Cechoslovan." Now he is a notary and a banker.
Publication - Diamond Jubilee of the Archdiocese of Chicago – 1920
Page 357
Remarkable is the record of Mr. John Geringer, who was organist for 49 years. He
was born 1853 in Breznice, Bohemia. After graduating from the teachers' college he came to America in 1871. In 1871 he became teacher and organist in St. Weneeslaus parish. Later on he devoted all his time to music, and now is shareholder in Geringer and Storkan Bank, and still directs the parish choir.