Talin is a village and municipality in Pisek District in the Southern Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. The municipality covers an area of 4.19 square kilometers (1.62 sq. mi), and has a population of 158 (2005 data). Talin lies approximately 9 miles south-east of Pisek, and 22 miles northwest of Ceske Budejovice. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%A1l%C3%ADn, and www.mapy.cz)
CSAGSI had published a web page on the 18 Civil War Veterans listed on the plaque in front of the Civil War Monument in Chicago's Bohemian National Cemetery. A Jakub Kristufek was on the plaque. (https://csagsi.org/bnc-civil-war-18/) Later we found a Denni Hlasatel obituary for a Frantisek Kristufek (1915) who turned out to be the brother of Jakub Kristufek, one of the Civil War 18. We found additional information on the Kristufeks from Talin, including information that Jakub, the Civil War veteran, could have been in the United States as early as 1854, with siblings also arriving close to that time or shortly thereafter.
Jakub (son of Matej and Ludmila) and Frantisek Kristufek (son of Matej and Katerina) were listed as born in Talin. Catholic Parish records for Talin are found at: https://digi.ceskearchivy.cz/Parish-registers-Roman-Catholic-Church-P-Putin.
Matej Kristufek born in 1788 (View Record) and died in 1837 (Pisek, Mysenec,, Book 9, Talin #18, Image 53) is listed as their father. Jakub's mother was Ludmila, and Frantisek's mother was Katerina. Ludmila died in 1829 (Pisek, Mysenec, Book 8, Talin #18, Image 149) and Matej married again. The home in which Jakub and his children were born is listed as Talin #18.
Maps Above: Talin from Google Maps.
Maps Below: Talin from: https://ags.cuzk.cz/archiv/
Matej "Mathias" Kristufek (Son of Matej and Ludmilla Kristufek) - 12-29-1816 Talin #18, 12-23-1891 Chicago, (Find A Grave 194875196) St. Adalbert Catholic Cemetery, Niles, Lot 8 Block A Section 4
Anna Kolar Kristufek 7-2-1831 Smrkovice #72, 5-8-1919 Chicago, (Find A Grave 1948751154) St. Adalbert Catholic Cemetery, Niles, Lot 8 Block A Section 4
The oldest child of Matej Kristufek and Ludmilla, (discovered so far) but not the first of the family, to reach the USA, (found so far) was Matej Kristufek, born 12-29-1816 at Talin #18, to Matej Kristufek and wife Ludmila (View Record). Matej Kristufek married Anna Kolar on 1-29-1856 in Talin. (View Record) Anna Kolar was born on 7-2-1831 at Smrkovice #72. (View Record) Their oldest child, Matej (Mathias) was born 8-14-1857 in Smrkovice, the home of Anna. (View Record)
There is an Ancestry ship record lists Math Krischtofek 1819, Anna 1832, Math 1858 and Anna 1862 from Talin, departing Hamburg on 5-`5-1867 aboard the ship "Leibnitz" bound for Cuxhaven and Quebec. (1)
An 1880 census record has been found for the family. (There is no mention of the Anna 1862 who traveled with the family in 1867 in this census. But there is the Anna born in Chicago in 1874. It is an assumption the first named Anna died between 1867 and 1874.)
Illinois Cook Chicago 057 Page 53 at 759 Allport which lists Michel Christofthac 65, Anna 46, Michel 22, George 10 and Anne 6. (2)
Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church has birth / baptism records for an Anna, born 7-21, baptised 7-28-1868, and a Jiri (George) born 1-16 and baptised 1-20-1870. (3)
Saint Adalbert Catholic Cemetery, Niles, Cook, Illinois Lot A Block 8 Section 4
Daughter of Matej and Anna, Anna Kristufek was born in Chicago on 7-26-1874. View Record (3) Anna married Emanuel Spevak on 8-28-1894 in Cook County. Anna died on 4-26-1951. Find A Grave # 185577485
Anna Spevak, nee Kristufek of 5314 W. 23rd Place, cicero, loving mother of Edward and Emanuel Spevak, mother in law of Rose and Helen Spevak, grandmother of six, great grandmother of five. Funeral Thursday, 9 am from chapel, 5318 W. 25th street, Cicero to Mary Queen of Heaven Church. Interment St. Adlbert's. (Chicago Tribune, February 27, 1952, Page 18)
Bohemian National Cemetery Grave Row 1 Lot 132 Block 19
Son of Matej and Anna, George Kristufek was born in Chicago on 1-16-1870. View Record (3) George married Marie Prihoda in Chicago. Marie was born 6-8-1868 in Kovarov, District of Pisek. Marie died in 1928. George died in 1944. find a Grave # 185035916
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 2 Block 2 Section M
Son, Mathias Kristufek married Rose Nemec on 4-16-1882 at Saint Procopius Catholic Church in Chicago. When Matej died in 1896, wife Rose married Joseph Pondelik in 1898. Matej, several children, wife Rose and her 2nd husband, Joseph, are all buried in Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago, Lot 2, Block 2, Section M. That grave site has a headstone for "Rod Kristufek" and an individual headstone for William Kristufek.
Matej Kristufek 8-14-1857 to 9-12-1896 #230868622 View Birth Record View Marriage Record
William Kristufek (Son of Matej and Rose) 1-18-1896 to 11-24-1930 #140128465
Rose Nemec Kristufek Pondelik 1866 to 7-10-1931 #230877219
Joseph Pondelik 1-22-1870 to 4-29-1937 #236080078
"Funeral services were held last Monday morning for Joseph Pondelik Sr. 67, 5037 West Cermak Road with interment in the Bohemian National Cemetery.
Pondelik, a resident for more than 15 years, died last Thursday at his home of heart disease. He had been ill for a week.
Yard foreman at the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad for many years, he retired several years ago. His son, Joseph Jr., is a former all American guard on the University of Chicago football team. Five others also survive. They are jerry and Charles Pondelik and Otto, George and Edward Kristufek." (4)
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 302 Section 22
Otto Kristufek, son of Matej and Rose, was born 4-3-1887 (Ancestry birth listing). Otto married Anna Koc on 11-22-1910 in Chicago. After Anna's death, Otto married Evelyn Siegling. Summary information is posted on their Find A Grave Memorial: Otto #187727481 Anna #187727462 Evelyn #201461152
Franklin Cemetery, Franklin Township, Polk County Iowa
Ancestry also contains a birth record of 8-18-1890 for a George Kristufek. The Social Security Death Index lists a George with the same birthdate for Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. An obituary for George describes his musical accomplisments. This would seem to match the ability of Matej and Rose's other son, Otto.
George Kristufek - #169873617
Very good article on the life of George Kristufek - Des Moines Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa, 10-20-1976, Page 45.
Woodlawn Cemetery, Forest Park, Cook County, Illinois
Edward Kristufek was born on 1-19-1893 in Chicago. He first married Mary Skarda in Lake County, Illinois, in 1915. He later married widow, Florence Hoppen.
Edward Kristufek Find A Grave # 237907010
Mary Skarda Kristufek Find A Grave # 237909687
Florence Kristufek Find A Grave # 232166725
(Anna Kristufek Votava (Daughter of Matej and Ludmilla Kristufek) - 5-12-1819 Talin #18, 2-8-1910 Chicago, (Find A Grave 230984152) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 19 Block 3 Section C
Tomas Votava- 1813 Bohemia, 12-13-1891 Chicago, (Find A Grave 230984230) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 19 Block 3 Section C
Daughter of Matej, and first wife Ludmilla Kristufek, Anna, was born at Talin #18 on 5-12-1819. (View Record)
Two known children were born to Anna Kristufek, Katerina and Wenzel / James. The record found for daughter Katerina, born at Talin #18, on 5-12-1847, does not list a father. (View Record) (Mysenc Book 3, Image 319, Pisek) There does not seem to be a record found for the birh of son Wenzel. Records available suggest his birth was in 1851. Listed as Anna Kristenfick 49, Cath 21, Wenzl 18, Anna and children arrived from Bremen to New York City on 3-18-1868 aboard the ship "Hermann". (5)
No record of any type has been found for Tomas Votava, including a record of the marriage between Anna and Tomas. The 1900 Census record lists Anna as Kristufek, not Votava. Anna and Tomas' BNC listed death address match the address for Anna's son, James and his family. Two children of son James, and his wife Frantiska, are also buried in Lot 19 Block 3 Section C: James Kristufek 1896 and Robert Kristufek 1897.
The earliest records, for this family, found so far are: the 6-17-1873 marriage of James to Frantiska Hajek at Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Chicago; (6) James as a witness to the marriage of Frank Lang and Maria Hajek on 8-2-1874 at Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Chicago; and the Ancestry listing for the marriage of Katerina Kristufek and Charles Wanek on 7-26-1874.
While the census record not found (1870) might indicate that Anna and her children may have lived in more common Czech immigrant settlement areas in Chicago, that is not the case in the later census records. In 1880 James and his family, sister Katerina and her family, are living in Washington Heights (later annexed by Chicago). (7) Mother Anna, listed in 1900, at age 79, is living with son James and his family, along with sister Katerina, and her family, along Vincennes avenue near 100th St. (Formerly Washington Heights area). (8) In 1910, James is living with his sister, Katerina and her family, still along Vincennes avenue. Their mother Anna, died in 1910 before the census was recorded, and James' wife, Frances had died in 1908.
Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens - Fishers, Hamilton County, Indiana
James Kristufek - 1851 to 7-8-1931 (Death in Montana, burial in Indiana) (9) - Find A Grave # 204660336
The Montana Standard, Butte, Montana, 7-19-1931, Page 16 - "James Kristufek of Findon, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Stewart, was buried in the Harlowton cemetery following services in the Presbyterian church, with the Rev. Mr. Robinson officiating. The deceased was 80 years old. He was a native of Bohemia and came to America when 16 years old. In 1915 he moved to the Findon area. Surviving Mrs. Kristufek are five sons and three daughters."
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 40 Section 6
Frantiska Hajek Kristufek - 1854 to 6-15-1908 - Find A Grave # 142651481
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 15 Block 5 Section E
Katerina Kristufek Wanek - 5-12-1847 Talin #18, 12-9-1917 Chicago, (Find A Grave 139345400 - Vanek on the headstone), Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 15 Block 5 Section E
Charles Wanek -12-8-1847 (Family Search Listing) Bohemia, 9-12-1919 Chicago, (Find A Grave 139345367 - Vanek on the headstone), Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 15 Block 5 Section E
Lot 17 Block 3 Section M
Kristufek Family
George Anton Beresheim (1st husband of Anna Kristufek, daughter of John and Mary. D. 1910
Jan "John" Kristufek - 3-4-1823 Talin #18, 4-20-1913 Chicago, (Find A Grave 188562395) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 17 Block 3 Section M
Anna Jelinek Kristufek 1824, 7-8-1881 Chicago, (Find A Grave 188562429) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 17, Block 3 Section M
Jan "John Kristufek 11-1848, 4-10-1913 Chicago, (Find A Grave 233098350) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 17 Block 3 Section M
Marie Bedlan Kristufek 1850 - 6-4-1896 Chicago. (Find a Grave 156170138) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 17 Block 3 Section M
Jan (John) Kristufek, son of Matej and Anna, was born on March 4, 1823 at Talin #18 (View Record). Anna Jelinek was born around 1814 in Kloub, Skocice, Pisek. (Anna, online records do not seem available.)
John and Anna Jelinek were married on 2-13-1849 in Vodnany. (View Record)
Three children of John Kristufek and Anna Jelinek, born in Vodnany, have been found:
John Kristufek, born 11-16-1848 at Vodnany #127. (View Record) Same gravesite as his parents.
Marie Kristufek born 7-6-1851 at Vodnany # 146. (View Record) She married Frank Krch in 1867 at Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Chicago. (10) They eventually lived in Minnesota. 9-15-1911, Ramsey County, Minnesota - Oakland Cemetery, Saint Paul (Find A Grave #131140376). Frank Krch 6-3-1841 to 7-6-1916 (Find A Grave # 200978760).
Frantisek Kristufek, born 12-10-1853 at Vodnany #27. (View Record) No other verified records have been found, so far.
John Kristufek has the earliest dates found for arrival in Chicago, among the Kristufek siblings. Jan Habenicht, in his 1904 publication, "Dejiny Cechu V Amerika" on page 569 lists John as arriving in Chicago in 1854. That year is reinforced by a ship registry at Ancestry for the ship "Falcon", departing Hamburg on 7-5-1854 for Hull, England, listing from Talin (Tallen ship spelling): Joh Christoph, wife and child. (11)
In September of 1908, the Duch Casu, a Czech language newspaper owned by August Geringer and edited by Frantisek Zdrubek (both also buried in Bohemian National Cemetery - Chicago) included a small article on John Kristufek. View article.
So far, the earliest census record found, using a common pattern of the name being Christopher, is the 1870 Chicago Census. The Census lists Ward 9, but not a street address. John is also listed as a saloon keeper.
John Christopher 46, Annie 46, Annie 13, Kate 12, Jane(acutally John) 10, Joseph 7. (12)
The 1866 Chicago Directory does not have a listing for John under Kristufek, Christopher, or something similar, but the 1870 Chicago Directory does list John under Christopher at 171 Dekoven Street, and being a saloon keeper. (13)
The 1875 City of Chicago Directory does list three of the family under K, not C: Kristofeh, John, Saloon at 487 S. Canal, Kristufek, John (son) Cigarmaker at 487 S. Canal and Michael, Laborer at 759 Allport. But, under C, Jakub and Michael, again, are listed: Christopher, Jacob, Cooper, 210 Brown, and Christopher, Michael, Laborer at 759 Alport. (https://www.chicagoancestors.org/content/1875-chicago-directory)
The 1880 Census shows that John Sr. and John Jr. (now married) are both living at 487 Canal. (Illinois, Cook Chicago, 089, Page 5)
John Kristufek 55, Anna 55, Joseph 17
John Kristufek 31, Mary Mazac Kristufek 30, Edward 8, John 4, Charles 9/12, Frank 10, George 9, Ann 6
John Kristufek Sr.'s wife Anna Jelinek Kristufek, died in 1881.
The 1900 Census shows John Sr. Living with with his son, John's family. (Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 19 D0616 Page 3 at 487 S. Canal)
John Kristufek 51, George 29, Ida R. 17, Jos 14, mamie 13
John Sr. 76
The 1910 Census shows John T. Krielpik Sr. 86, living with his married daughter Anna Kristufek Beresheim's family. (Illinois Cook chicago Ward 19 D0854 Page 10).
Known children of Jan Kristufek Sr.and Anna Jelinek born in Chicago.
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 231 Section 15
Anna Kristufek Donat - 1855 - 1931 (Find A Grave 119730734)
Vaclav Donat - 1851 - 1933 (Find A Grave 119730747)
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 31 Section 16
Joseph Kristufek - 1863 - 1932 (Find A Grave 198095268)
Marie Mazac Kristufek - 1866 - 1959 (Find A Grave 190095297)
Sunrise Cemetery, Wahoo, Saunders County Nebraska
Katherine Kristufek Gross 1857 - 4-17-1929 (Death in Colorado Springs, Colorado)
(Find A Grave 49871434)
Frank Gross 1851 - 1937 (Find A Grave 49871311)
Children of Jan's son, John Kristufek, Jr. and Marie Bedlan:
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 406 Section 13
Anna Kristufek Beresheim Tichy - 1874 - 1955 (Find A Grave 158141300)
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 106 Section 2 (Family Site for two brothers)
Charles Kristufek - 1879 - 1961 (Find A Grave 228342887)
Mary Tryner Kristufek - 1881 - 1913 (Find A Grave 228256637)
Mary Gebis Kristufek - 1884 - 1972 (Find A Grave 228255818)
Frank Kristufek - 1869 - 1965 (Find A Grave 228343529)
Rose Tryner Kristufek - 1870 - 1968 (Find A Grave 228343617)
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 17 Block 3 Section M
George Kristufek - 1870 - 1956 (Find A Grave 236116104)
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 151 Section 13
Ida Rose Kristufek Holub - 1882 - 1921 (Find A Grave 155731333)
Resurrection Catholic Cemetery, Justice, Cook County, Illinois
John Kristufek - 1876 - 1967 (Find A Grave 229293555)
Martha Adas Kristufek - 1880 - 1958 (Find A Grave 229293555)
Mount Emblem Cemetery, Elmhurst, Dupage County, Illinois
Joseph Kristufek - 1885 - 1957 (Find A Grave 156170331)
Antoinette Vanek Kristufek 1885 - 1953 (Find A Grave 156170208)
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 176 Section 12
Edward Kristufek - 1871 - 1914 (Find A Grave 233099680)
Mary Putz Kristufek - ?? - 1950 (Find A Grave 178345032)
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 7 Block 5 Section G
Mary Kristufek Bouse - 1888 - 1921 (Find A Grave 91734190) and Edward Bouse
Chicago Tribune 2-20-1921 Page 15
Mamie Bouse, nee Kristufek. Saturday. Feb. 19. aged 33, beloved wile of Edward E. Bouse, sister of Anna Tichy, Ida Holub, John, Charles. Joseph, George, and Frank Rristufek. Funeral Monday, Feb. 21. from the chapel at 3410 W. 26ta- Klueta at 230 P.M. to Bohemian National cemetery.
Jacob Kristufek (Son of Matej and Ludmilla Kristufek) - 8-15-1826 Talin #18, 12-19-1895 Chicago, (Find A Grave 95111150) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 13, Block 4, Section T
Anna Slepicka Kristufek 6-18-1827 Chvaletice #3, 5-3-1911, (Find A Grave 198195887) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 13, Block 4, Section T
Jacob and Anna Kristufek's burial location was found. Not all markers at the grave site were clear enough to read, if a marker for them existed, at all.
Jacob Kristufek was born on 8-15-1826 at Talin #18 (view birth record). His wife Anna Slepicka was born on 6-18-1827 at Chvaletice #3 (view birth record). Jacob and Anna were married on 8-15-1826 in Talin (view marriage record).
Jacob Kristufek is one of eighteen names listed on the Civil War Veterans Plaque, part of the Civil War Monument, in Chicago's Bohemian National Cemetery. (CSAGSI did an article, and posted it to our website: view article)
The only military records found, so far, list Jacob Kristufek enrolled in the 5th Missouri Volunteer Regiment (Union) (Company C) at the Saint Louis Arsenal on May 4, 1861 and was mustered into the unit on June 6, 1861 in Saint Louis. The Civil War Archives website summarizes: "Organized at St. Louis, Mo., May 18, 1861. Attached to Lyons' Army of the West. Expedition from St. Louis to Potosi May 15 (Co. "A"). Moved to Springfield, Mo., June 16-17. Action at Dry Forks July 5. Expedition toward Fayette, Ark., August 3-5. Battle of Wilson's Creek August 10. March to Rolla, thence to St. Louis August 11-21. Mustered out August 27, 1861. Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 24 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 32. Enlisted men by disease. Total 58." (view webpage)
The National Park Service Soldiers and Sailors Database lists Jacob as Kristufeck. (View NPS Listing)
Fold 3 has Jacob's service record, also listed as Kristufeck. (View Record) And, Jacob's pension record (View Record).
Many of the family records use Christopher.
Jacob's 1860 Census record is most likely the oldest census record available for the family.
Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 7 Page 372: Jacob Christopher 30, Anna 30, Mathias 11, Joseph 5, John 1 Mathias is listed as born in Bohemia, and Joseph and John are listed as born in Illinois. If the record is accurate, Jacob, Anna and son Mathias were in the USA by 1854 or 1855.
Jacob's 1870 Census record indicates that the oldest child Mathias is on his own, and Jacob and Anna have had several more children born in Illinois.
Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 9 Page 38: Jacob Christenek 40, Anna 36, Joseph 14, John 11, Lizzie 3, and Eddy 3/12. Jacob is listed in the census as a laborer. There is a baptism record for Lizzie (Anastazie, and assumed to be Rose in later records) (1866-1867 View Record - enrolling at Family Search needed, but free) and Eddy (1870) (Eddy not listed in later records) listed in the Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church (on Dekoven). Oldest child, Mathias (Matej) had married Marie Vokurek in 1869, also at Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church (1869).
1880 Illinois Cook Chicago 073 Page 14 at 210 Brown - Jacob Christopher 53, Annie 53, Joseph 23, John 21, Rosa 14 - The 1880 census reveals that the family remained together (except for married Mathias). Jacob and son John are employed as Coopers, and Joseph works in a lumber yard. Perhaps all three worked in the same location.
Husband Jacob died in 1895.
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D0275 Page 8 at 1058 West 21st - Anna Kristufek 75 - Joe 33, Jessie 32, Willie 12, Freda 11, Charles 7, Ladie 2, Bennie 2
1910 Illinois Cook Chicago D0603 Page 8 at 2314 S. Kedzie - Anna Kristufek 82, John 51, Barbara 45, Edward 24, John Jr. 21, Otto 19, George 12
Children of Jacob Kristufek and Anna Slepicka
Bohemian National Cemetery - Lot 14 Block 3 Section T
Mathias Kristufek 1848 - 1930 (Find A Grave 198195585) married Marie Vokurka 1848 - 1923 (Find A Grave 198195747) in 1869 at Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Chicago.
Children found listed in census / other records: Albert 1870, Annie 1874
Bohemian National Cemetery - Lot 44 Section 24
Joseph Kristufek 1857 - 1933 (Find A Grave 155531109) married Josephine Zajicek 1848 - 1946 (Find A Grave 155551161) on 10-15-1887 in Cook county
Chicago Tribune 8-23-1946 Page 28
Josephine Krlstufek. nee Zajlcek. late of 2528 S. Harding avenue, beloved wife of the late Joseph, loving mother of William. Fred, Charles, Laddie, Benjamin, and Joseph. Services Saturday. Aug. 24. at 1:30 p. m. at chapel. 2534 S. Pulaski road. Interment Bohemlan National cemetery.
Children found listed in census / other records: Willie 1868, Fred 1891, Charles 1893, George 1895, Benjamin 1898, Joseph 1901
Bohemian National Cemetery Lot 26 Block 3 Section T
John Kristufek 1858 - 1930 (Find A Grave 197250081) married Barbara Kadlec 1861 - 1923 (Find A Grave 197250187) on 4-21-1883 in Cook County
Chicago Tribune 10-3-1930 Page 25
John Kristufek, father of Edward, John Otto, George and Emma (Resek?), brother of Michael and Joseph Kristufek and Rose Kase, father in law of Lillian and Sylvia, and Byrtil Pesek, brother in law of Josephine Kristufek; grandchildren and relatives. Remains at chapel, 3123 W. 26th St, until 10 o'clock Saturday morning. services at Sokol Chicago hall, 24th and Kedzie avenue, at 2 pm Saturday, Oct. 4, to Bohemian National Cemetery.
Children found listed in census / other records: Emma 1884, Edward 1885, John 1888, Otto 1890, George 1898
Woodlawn Cemetery, Forest Park, Cook County, Illinos
Rose Kristufek 1867 - 1956 (Find A Grave 238913322) married Joseph Kase 1865 - 1952 on 9-26-1885 in Cook County
Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 pm. today in the chapel at 6301 Cermak rd. for Mrs. Rose T. Kase, 89, of 2246 S. 13th ave, Broadview, who died in her home Saturday. Interment will take place in Woodlawn Cemetery. Mrs. Kase was a resident of Cicero and Berwyn for many years. She resided in Broadview for the past six years. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Alice Sehoun, Mrs. Della Gardener and Mrs. Sylvia Zender; two sons, Arthur and Charles; seven grandchildren, , and seven . great grandchildren.
Rose T. Kase, 2246 S. 13th avenue, Broadview, beloved wife of the late Joseph F.: fond mother of Alice Schoun, Arthur, and Charles Kase, Delia Gardner. Sylvia Zender, and the late Lillian Swanson; grandmother of seven; great-grandmother of seven. Services Wednesday, May 9, 1:30 p. m., at chapel. 6301 W. Cermak road, Berwyn. Interment Woodlawn.
Children found listed in census / other records: Lillie 1887, Charles 1891, Della 1894, Alice 1896, Arthur 1900, Sylvia 1903
Frantisek "Frank" Kristufek (Son of Matej Kristufek and 2nd Wife Katerina)- 5-17-1835 Talin #18, 2-14-1915 Chicago, (Find A Grave 230866541) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 3 Block 5 Section J
Anna Vanata Kristufek - 4-25-1831 Novy Dvur #9, 6-12-1889 Chicago, (Find A Grave 230866663) Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Lot 3 Block 5 Section J
Frantisek Kristufek is the son of Jacob and Jacob's second wife, Katerina. Frantisek (Birth Record) married Anna Vanata (Birth Record) on June 18, 1861 in Talin. (Marriage Record) Frantisek and his family departed Bremen and arrived at New York City on April 20, 1869 aboard the ship "Marco Polo", listed as: Franz Kristufek 35, Anna 35, Maria 6 and Joseph 6/12. (14)
While not arriving in Chicago as early as other siblings, Frank Kristufek, and his family, were living and working in Chicago before the Chicago Fire of 1871. Frank and his family lived, as recorded by census records, most of their lives close to the the early Czech immigrant settlement areas of Chicago. Census records list addresses around 18th Street in Chicago. Frank also appears to have spent most of his work life around the lumber yards in the same area. Census records only reveal the same two children who traveled with Frank and Anna to the United States. In the 1870 and 1880 census, the family of four was still living together. Wife Anna died in 1889 and Frank is listed as living with his daughter, now married, Mary Tauchen, husband Joseph and family, still on 18th Place in Chicago.
Frank's 1915 death address is 2005 West 18th Place. In 1910 the family of his son, Joseph, and the Tauchen family, are listed in the census as living at that address. Father Frank is not listed, and his 1910 census location has not yet been verified.
Daughter Mary, born 1-19-1863 in Novy Dvur, (Birth Record) would marry Joseph Tauchen on 5-13-1882 in Chicago (listed as Christufek). (15) Joseph Tuachen was born 4-4-1857 in Defurovy Lazany, Krasnovice, district of Klatovy. His family arrived in the USA in Baltimore on 5-24-1872 aboard the ship Leipzig. (Birth Record)
Mary Kristufek Tauchen died in 1905. Husband Joseph would then marry widow Antonette Patlik Spinka.
Son Joseph, born 8-20-1868 in Talin (Birth Record) would marry Minnie Skarda on 11-28-1896 in Chicago (Joseph, listed as Christophek) . (16)
Bohemian National Cemetery - Lot 2 Block 5 Section J
Frank Tauchen (Father of Josef, who married Marie Kristufek)
Josefa Novak Tauchen (Mother of Josef, who married Marie Kristufek)
Bohemian National Cemetery - Lot 3 Block 5 Section J
Frank Kristufek 5-17-1835 to 2-14-1915 Find A Grave 230866541
Anna Kristufek 4-25-1831 to 6-12-1889 Find A Grave 230866663
Josef Tauchen Find A Grave 91734553
Marie Kristufek Tauchen Find A Grave 91734552
Frank Tauchen 1929
Josef Tauchen 1891
Magdalena Tauchen 1928
Bohemian National Cemetery - Lot 354 Section 25
Joseph Kristufek 1930 Find A Grave 191965094
Minnie Skarda Kristufek 1933 Find A Grave 191965113
Emily Kristufek 1980 Find A Grave 236155022
Bessie Christofer (Kristufek) 1967 Find A Grave 239005597
Resources and References:
Catholic Parish records for Talin are found at: https://digi.ceskearchivy.cz/Parish-registers-Roman-Catholic-Church-P-Putin.
(1) Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Hamburg, Deutschland; Hamburger Passagierlisten; Volume: 373-7 I, VIII A 1 Band 021 A; Page: 453; Microfilm No.: K_1712
(2) Year: 1880; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 189; Page: 499A; Enumeration District: 057
(3) https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-XHG3-5LG?i=44&wc=M66P-ZTB%3A40444701%2C40451801&cc=1452409
(4) Berwyn Life, Berwyn, Illinois, 55-1937, Page 1.
(5) Year: 1868; Arrival: New York, New York, USA; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Line: 29; List Number: 191
(6) https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-XHG3-RM1?i=148&wc=M66P-5ZS%3A40444701%2C40638801&cc=1452409
(7) Year: 1880; Census Place: Washington Heights, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 200; Page: 358A; Enumeration District: 199
(8) Year: 1900; Census Place: Chicago Ward 31, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 285; Page: 4; Enumeration District: 0990; FHL microfilm: 1240285
(9) Ancestry - original data from State of Montana, Montana State Deaths, 1868-2018. Office of Vital Statistics, Helena, Montana.
(10) https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DWY3-MDQ?i=4&wc=M66P-Y68%3A40444701%2C40662101&cc=1452409
(11) Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Hamburg, Deutschland; Hamburger Passagierlisten; Volume: 373-7 I, VIII B 1 Band 001; Page: 9; Microfilm No.: S_13116B
(12) "United States Census, 1870", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M645-2JG : 29 May 2021), John Christopher, 1870.
(13) Directory https://www.chicagoancestors.org/sites/default/files/downloads/1870c.pdf
(14) Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Hamburg, Deutschland; Hamburger Passagierlisten; Volume: 373-7 I, VIII B 1 Band 001; Page: 9; Microfilm No.: S_13116B
(15) Mary marriage - “Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871–1920.” Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2010. Illinois Department of Public Health records. "Marriage Records, 1871–present." Division of Vital Records, Springfield, Illinois.
(16) Joseph marriage - “Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871–1920.” Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2010. Illinois Department of Public Health records. "Marriage Records, 1871–present." Division of Vital Records, Springfield, Illinois.
All Monument Images on this page are photographs taken by the author.