John Cervenka's Parents & Siblings
Home Page John Cervenka John Cervenka Activities John Cervenka Parents & Siblings
Parents: Jan - Lot 12 Block 4 Section O 
and Marie Holub Cervenka - Lot 11 Block 4 Section O
Marie Holub Cervenka was born on 8-27-1834 at Svata Barbora #14, district of Radnice. (1) According to their marriage record, Jan Cervenka was born on 8-29-1828 at Kamenec #41 (Weisgrunn). (2)
Jan Cervenka and Marie Holub were married in 1858. (2) They would have seven known children born in Bohemia. Departing from Hamburg on 5-14-1882, listing Kriz as the last residence, and arriving at New York City on 5-26-1882, aboard the ship Cimbria: Jan Cervenka 53, Marie 37, Anton 9, Anna 8, Jan 7, Karl 6. (3) Sons Joseph, Frank, and Vaclav are not listed, but they also would also arrive and live in Chicago.
Jan Cervenka died on 4-10-1899. Find A Grave 114775854
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D0287 Page 38 at 273 Troy
Joseph Cervenka 40, mary 34, Alice 14, Bessie 12, Mary 9, Jerry 6, Clara 5, Joe 3, Jennie 1
Mary Cervenka 64, Widow
Marie Holub Cervenka died on 3-22-1901. Find A Grave 114775724
3. Staatsarchiv Hamburg: Hamburg, Deutschland: Hamburger Passagierlisten; Volume: 373-71, VIII A 1 Band 044 B: Page: 863; Microfilm No.:K_1727
Joseph Cervenka and Marie Kounovsky Cervenka- Lot 2 Block 3 Section A
Parents Jan Cervenka and Marie Holub were married in 1858. They would have seven known children born in Bohemia. Departing from Hamburg on 5-14-1882, listing Kriz as the last residence, and arriving at New York City on 5-26-1882, aboard the ship Cimbria: Jan Cervenka 53, Marie 37, Anton 9, Anna 8, Jan 7, Karl 6. (2) Sons Joseph, Frank, and Vaclav are not listed, but they also would arrive and live in Chicago.
Joseph Cervenka was born on 6-18-1859 at Kamecec #41 (Wiesgrunn), area of Radnice, district of Rokycany, region of Plzen. (1)
Marie Kounovsky is listed as born in 1865.
Departing Hamburg on 8-20-1879 and arriving at New York City on 9-3-1879 aboard the Frisia:
Johann Kounovsky 52, Marie 14, Klara 9, Antonin 8, Johann 8, Josef 4.
Joseph Cervenka married Marie Kounovsky on 5-23-1885 in Chicago.
Father John Kounovsky died in 1890. Find A Grave 240928344
Mother Maria Kounovsky died in 1895. Find A Grave 240928422
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D0287 Page 38 at 273 Troy
Joseph Cervenka 40, mary 34, Alice 14, Bessie 12, Mary 9, Jerry 6, Clara 5, Joe 3, Jennie 1
Mary Cervenka 64, Widow
1910 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 12 D0593 Page 26 at 2145 Kedzie
Joseph Cervenka 50, marie 45, Manja 19, jaroslav 17, Clara 15, joseph 12, Jennie 10, Otto 8
Joseph died in 1915. Find A Grave 119709913 (Obituary Left - Dennia Hlasatel, Chicago Czech Language Newspaper, 12-15-1915, Page 3.)
1920 Illnios Cook Chicago Ward 34 D2180 Page 2 at 2421 Ridgeway
Mary Cervenka 54, Clara 25, Joseph 22, Jennie 20, Otto 18
Marie Cervenka 65, Joseph 32, Jennie 30, Otto 28
Clara Mudra 35, Edward 33
1940 Illinois Cook Chicago 103-1442 Page 8 at 2431 Ridgeway
Joe Suoboda 42, Jennie 40
Marie Charderka 75
Marie Kounovsky Cervenka died in 1943.
"Marie Cervenka (Nee Kounovsky) of 2421 S. Ridgeway avenue, Mary 20, 1943, wife of the late Joseph, age 78 years, fond mother of Alice Pikas, Bessie Vrba, Marie Eier, Jane Svoboda, Jerome, Joseph and Otto. Funderal Tuesday, s pm at funeral home 5842-44 W. Cermak road. Interment Bohemian National Cemetery." (2)
Others Buried in Lot 2 Block 3 Section A
John Raisler 1931 - Find A Grave # 241081738 ·
Husband of Klara Kounovsky, married Klara on 8-23-1884 in Chicago. Klara appears to have died after 1893, no record found.
Jane "Jennie" Cervenka Svoboda 1984 - Find A Grave # 241081156
"Jane Svoboda, nee Cervenka, age 84, Feb. 23rd, daughter of the late Joseph and Marie Cervenka. Private funeral and burial at Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Friday, Feb. 24th." (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 2-24-1984)
Bessie Cervenka Vrba 1951 - Find A Grave # 119709996
"Bessie Vrba, nee Cervenka, of 1905 S. 58th Court, Cicero, beloved wife of Emil Vrba, fond mother of George and Arthur, sister of Alice Pikas, Marie Eier, Jane Stritesky, Jerome, Joseph and Otto J. Cervenka. service Thursday 10:30 am at home for funerals, 5844 W. Cermak road. Interment Bohemian National Cemetery. Member of Bohemia Rebekah Lodge No. 392, I.O.O.F. Royal Neighbors of America, Berwyn Camp, No 650." (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 7-31-1951, Page 14)
Emil Vrba 1953 - Find A Grave # 119710018
"Emil Vrba, a resident of Cicero for 33 years, died Thrusday morning at his home, 1905 S. 58th Ct., after a long illness. Services were held yesterday in the chaper at 5844 Cermak rd. Cremation followed at Bohemian National Cemetery. Mr. Vrba is survived by two sons, George and Arthur Vrba, and one sister, Mrs. Ann Silhan." (The Life, Berwyn, Illinois Newspaper, 8-30-1953, Page 14)
2. The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, 3-21-1943, Page 34.
James "Vaclav" Cervenka and Louise Hrdlicka Cervenka - Lot 15 Section 9
Vaclav Cervenka was born 2-22-1861 at Kamenec #41 (Weisgrunn), area of Radnice, district of Rokycany, region of Plzen. (1)
Parents Jan Cervenka and Marie Holub were married in 1858. They would have seven known children born in Bohemia. Departing from Hamburg on 5-14-1882, listing Kriz as the last residence, and arriving at New York City on 5-26-1882, aboard the ship Cimbria: Jan Cervenka 53, Marie 37, Anton 9, Anna 8, Jan 7, Karl 6. (2) Sons Joseph, Frank, and Vaclav are not listed, but they also would arrive and live in Chicago.
James Cervenka married Aloise Hrdlicka on 8-17-1889 in Chicago.
Aloise (Louise) Hrdlicka Cervenka was born on 6-16-1861 at Bernatice #63, district of Milvesko, region of Pisek.
It appears that all the Cervenka men were skilled in wood working. James would become a cabinet maker.
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D0280 Page 18 at 937 Albany
James Cervenka 40, Louisa 38, Lily 9, Emma 8, George 5, Grace 2, Mae 9/12
1910 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 34 D1482 Page 7 at 1659 Millard
James Cervenka 49, Aloisia 48, Lillian 19, Emma 17, George 15, Grace 12, Mae 9, Ruth 6
July and December of 1911 Chicago newspaper articles describe, that James Cervenka, was a member of a "cult" style religion. While on a family trip to the area of his family homelands, he committed suicide.
Vaclav "James" Cervenka - Find A Grave 151261858
1920 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 34 D2165 Pge 13 at 1659 Millard
Louise Cervenka 58, Lillian 28, Emily 27, George 25, Mary 19, Ruth 16
1930 Illinois Cook Lyons D277 Page 2 at 380 Fairbank
Louise Cervenka 68, Lillian 39, Emily 37, Mae 29, Ruth 26
1940 Illinois Cook Riverside 16-262 Page 2 at 380 Fairbank
Louise Cervenka 78, Emily 48, Mae 39, Ruth 36
James Cervenka 49, Aloisia 48, Lillian 19, Emma 17, George 15, Grave 12, Mae 9, Ruth 6
Louise died in 1940 - Find A Grave 146701807
Louise Cervenka, nee Hrdlicka, 380 Fairbanks road, Riverside, wife of the late James, mother of Lillian, Emily, George Grace Hurt, Mae, and Ruth, grandmother of Jack Hurt and George Cervenka Jr., sister of Anna Hrdlicka. Services at funeral home, 177 Woodside road, Riverside, Wednesday, at 1 p.m. Cremation Bohemian National cemetery. Please omit flowers. (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper - April 23, 1940 - Page 12)
Also Buried In Lot 15 Section 9
Emily Cervenka 1966 - Find A Grave 151263866
Emily A. Cervenka, late of Riverside. III., daughter of the late James and Louise Cervenka; sister of Lillian Cervenka of Lombard, George Nellie Cervenka of Peoria, III.. Grace Hurt of Long Beach, Cal., Mae Walter) Briggs of Fort Worth. Tex., and Ruth (Frank) Carroll of Los Angeles, Cal. Resting at Ivins Chapel, SO Burlington road, Riverside, after 12 noon Thursday. Services 10 a. m. Saturday. In lieu of flowers. memorials to the Christian Science Reading room of Riverside will be appreciated. Interment Bohemian National cemetery. (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, April 29, 1966, Page 58)
Lillian Cervenka 1969 - Find A Grave 151263987
Lillian Cervenka, age 79, of Lombard, fond sister of George H., Mrs. Welter Briggs, Mr. Ruth Carroll, and Mrs. Grace Hurt; nephews and nieces. Funeral services Monday, 11 a. m., at Brust Funeral Home, 135 5. Main Street. interment Bohemian National. (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper - 11-1-1968 - Page 70)
Frank Cervenka and Bozena Hrdina Cervenka - Lot 11 Block 4 Section O
Frank Cervenka ot 6505 W 26th place. Berwyn. beloved husband of Bessie, nee Hrdina; devoted father of Antoinette Vrba. Otillia Knalzl Joseph, and William J. Cervenka. brother of Anna Strnad, Anton, and John A. Cervenka. Services Friday. 1:30 p. m.. a funeral home. 6227-21 W. Cermak road to Bohemian National.
Bessie Cervenka, nee Hrdlna. of 6505 W. 26th place, Berwyn, wile of the late Frank, devoted mother of Antoinette Vrba, Otille Knalzl, Joseph F., and William J. Cervenka, mother-in-law cf Edward Knalzl and Mildred V. Certvenka. grandmother of sIx, great-grandmother of five. Services Thursday, Jan. 31. 2 p. m.. at funeral home, 6227 W. Cermak road. Interment Bohemian National.
Frank Cervenka was born on 6-28-1863 at Kamenec #40 , Okres Rokycany, Plzeňský (Plzen), Czech Republic. (1)
Parents Jan Cervenka and Marie Holub were married in 1858. They would have seven known children born in Bohemia. Departing from Hamburg on 5-14-1882, listing Kriz as the last residence, and arriving at New York City on 5-26-1882, aboard the ship Cimbria: Jan Cervenka 53, Marie 37, Anton 9, Anna 8, Jan 7, Karl 6. (2) Sons Joseph, Frank, and Vaclav are not listed, but they also would arrive and live in Chicago.
Frank Cervenka married Bozena Hrdina on 5-7-1887. Bozena Hrdina had departed Hamburg on 6-15-1881 aboard the ship Wieland for New York City.
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D0286 Page 21 at 1030 Turner
Frank Cervenka 37, Bozena 34, Tony 12, Joseph 10, Tillie 8, William 5
1910 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 12 D0605 Page 5 at 2218 Troy
Frank J. Cervenka 46, Bessie 42, Joseph 20, Tillie 18, William 15
1920 Illinois Berwyn Ward 4 D0006 Page 51 at 6505 W. 26th Place
Frank Cervenka 57, Bessie 52, Joseph 30
Joseph Vrba 21, Antonia 31, Blanche 4
1930 Illinois Cook Berwyn D1992 Page 33 at 6505 W. 26th Place
Frank Cervenka 66, Bessie 63, Joseph 40
Antonia Vrba 42, Blanche 14
1940 Illinois Cook Berwyn 16-21 Page 15 at 6505 W. 26th Place
Frank Cervenka 76, Bessie 73, Josep
Frank died in 1944 - Find A Grave # 143260963
Frank Cervenka of 6505 W. 26th Place, Berwyn, beloved husband of Bessie, nee Hrdina: devoted father of Antoinette Vrba, Otillia Knaizl, Joseph and William J. Cervenka, brother of Anna Strnad, Anton and John A. Crevenka. Services, Friday, 1:30 pm at funder home, 6227-29 W. Cermak road, to Bohemian National. (The Chicago Tribune 8-17-1944, page 16)
Bozena Hrdina Cervenka died in 1952 - Find A Grave # 143260958
Bessie Cervenka, nee Hrdina, of 6505 W. 26th Place, Berwyn, wife of the late Frank, devoted mother of Antoinette Vrba, Otilie Knaizl, Joseph F., and Wiliam J. Cervenka, mother in law of Edward Knaizl and Mildred V. Cervenka, grandmother of six, great grandmother of five. service Thursday, Jan. 21, 2 pm at funder home 6227 W. Cermak road. Interment Bohemian National. (The Chicago Tribune, 1-30-1952, Page 27)
Also buried in Lot 11 Block 4 Section O
Joseph Cervenka, died in 1958; Find A Grave # 143260932
"Joseph F. Cervenka, formerly of 6505 W. 26th Place, Berwyn, brother of Antonia Vrba, Otillia Knaizl, and William Cervenka. Services Thursday, June 19, 10 am at funeral home 6227 W. Cermak road. Interment, Bohemian Natonal Cemetery." (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illnois, 6-18-1958, Page 22)
Mary Holub Cervenka, died in 1901; Find A Grave # 114775724 (Frank's Mother, husband Jan, in Lot 12, Block 4 Section O))
Mildred Cevenka, died in 1979; Find A Grave # 114748344
William Cervenka, died in 1958; Find A Grave # 114748952
"William J. Cervenka of 1429 S. Clinton avenue, Berwyn, beloved husband of Mildred, nee Vondra; devoted father of John W. and William F. Cervenka and Elaine Harris; loving grandfather of nine; dear brother of Antonette Vrba and Otilia Knaizl. Masonic services under the auspices of Lawndale lodge, No. 995, A. F. & A. M., Wednesday, Dec. 17, 8 p.m. Also member of Club Dobrovsky and past commander of Berwyn post, No. 2378, V. F. W.; Cook County council V. F. W., 4th district V. F. W., and Pilsen post, No. 825, A. L. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 18, 10 a.m., at funeral home, 6227 W. Cermak road. Interment Bohemian National." (Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, 12-17-1958)
Antonette Cervenka Vrba, died in 1977; Find A Grave # 143260945
"Mrs. Antonette Vrba, 89, of 13805 W. 93rd, Lenexa, died Wednesday at a nursing home at 7541 Switzer, Overland Park. She was born in Chicago and had lived in Berwyn, Ill., 50 years before moving to Johnson County 20 years ago. Mrs. Vrba was a member of the Overland Park Christian Church. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Blanche Loidolt of the home; a granson and three great-grandsons. Graveside services will be Tuesday at the Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago; cremation...." (The Kansas City Times, Kansas, 7-28-1977)
Joseph Vrba, died in 1929; Find A Grave # 43260943
Anna Cervenka Strnad and Matthew Strnad - Lot 21 Section 16
Parents Jan Cervenka and Marie Holub were married in 1858. They would have seven known children born in Bohemia. Departing from Hamburg on 5-14-1882, listing Kriz as the last residence, and arriving at New York City on 5-26-1882, aboard the ship Cimbria: Jan Cervenka 53, Marie 37, Anton 9, Anna 8, Jan 7, Karl 6. (2) Sons Joseph, Frank, and Vaclav are not listed, but they also would arrive and live in Chicago.
Anna Cervenka Strnad was born on 10-30-1865 at Kamenec #41, Radnice, area of Rokycany, district of Plzen. (1)
Anna Cervenka married Matthew Strnad in Chicago on 8-15-1888.
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D0287 Page 57 at 1014 Troy
Mike Strand 39, Anna 34, Anni 9, Lily 6, Rosa 6, Alga 3, Hugo 11, George 8
1910 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 12 D0605 Pge 8 at 2254 Troy
Matthew J. Strnad 49, Anna 44, Hugo 21, Anna 19, George 17, Lillian 16, Rose 14, Olga 13
Matthew died in 1915. Find A Grave # 47132930 (Obituary - Denni Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, Geringer Publisher 8-18-1915, Page 3)
1920 Illinois Cook Cicero D0057 Page 14 at 4839 23rd Place
Frank Heubes 32, Annie 27, Roy 1
Anna Strnad 54, Rose 23, Olga 21
1930 Illinois Cook Cicero D2083 Page 19 at 4839 23rd Place
Anna Strnad 64, Olga 32
Frank Hrubes 42, Anna 39, Roy 11
1940 Illinois Cook Cicero 16-133 Page 13 at 4839 23rd Place
Anna Strnad 74, Olga 43
Frank Hrubes 52, Anna 49, Ray 21
1950 Illinois Coook Cicero 104041 Page 3 at 4839 23rd Place
Anna Straad 84
Frank Hrubes 62, Anna 59
Also Buried in Lot 21 Section 16
Anna Hrubes 1960; Find A Grave # 123331813
"Anna S. Hrubes, nee Strnad, 22 W. 55th street, Downers Grove, Ill., beloved wife of the late Frank L.; fond mother of Roy F. Hrubes; grandmother of Kenneth J.; sister of Tillie Wisneiwski and Rose Eier. Services Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1:30 p.m., at chapel, 6301 W. Cermak road, Berwyn. Cremation at Bohemian National" (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 1-25-1960)
Frank Hrubes 1958; Find A Grave # 123331791
"Frank Hrubes of 22 W. 55th street, Downers Grove, Ill., dearly beloved husband of Anna Strand Hrubes; fond father of Roy Hrubes; father-in-law of Vera Hrubes; grandfather of Kenneth; brother of John Hrubes of California and James Hrubes. Services Monday, April 14, 1:30 p.m., at chapel, 6301 W. Cermak road, Berwyn. Cremation at Bohemian National cemetery. Member of Cicero lodge, No. 955, A. F. & A. M. O" (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 4-13-1958)
Roy Hrubes 2001; Find A Grave # 123331839
Roy F. Hrubes, 82, an insurance executive until his retirement, passed away on March 21, 2001. He was a big band enthusiast, and former musician. Loving father of Ken (Kari) and Todd (Judy); beloved grandfather of Bryan, Scott and William; devoted companion to Lois and former husband to Vera and the late Dorothy; he leaves behind many cousins and friends. memorials to Respite House, 1019 School Street, Lisle. (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 3-25-2001, page 158)
Emily Strnad 1983; Find A Grave # 148304309
"Emily Strnad, nee Hrbek, of Riverside, IL., beloved wife of the late George M.; devoted mother of Robert G. Attorney At Law (Evelyn) Strnad; devoted grandmother of Dr. Robert G. and Susan Strnad. Services Saturday, Oct. 15th, 10:30 a.m., at Svec & Sons Funeral Home, 6227 W. Cermak Rd. Interment private Boemian National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers please make contributions to the charity of your choice. Visitation at time of services only. " (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 10-14-1983)
George Strnad 1941; Find A Grave # 240918891
George M. Strnad of 2239 S. Elmwood avenue, Berwyn, beloved husband of Emily, nee Hrbek; devoted father of Rober G., dear son of Anna Strnad, fond brother of Hugo V., Anna Hrugbes, Lillian Wisniewski, Rose Eier, and Olga V. Strnad. Services Monday, Feb. 24, 1:30 p.m., at funeral home, 6227-29 W. Cermak road, Berwyn. Cremation Bohemian National
George M. Strnad, for eight years Justice of the Peace in Berwyn and for many hears city comptroller, died Thursday of last week at his home, 2239 Elmwood avenue, folloing a long illness. He was 48 years old. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the Svec funeral home with cremation folling at Bohemian National Cemetery. He was a member of Cicero Masonic lodge and Praha Lodge I.O.O.F. Surviving is his wife, Emily; a son, Robert G.; his mother, Anna strnad,; a brother, Hugo and four sisters, Anna Hrubes, Lillian Wisniewski, Rose Eier, and Olga V. Strnad. (The Berwyn News, Berwyn, Illinois, 2-28-1941, Page 5)
Olga Strnad 1942; Find A Grave # 240918932
Olga V. Strnad of 4839 W. 23d place, Cicero, dearly beloved daughter of Anna, nee Cervenka; sister of Anna Hrubes, Lillie Wisniewski, Rose Eier, and Hugo V. Strnad. Funeral Saturday, Oct. 24, at 1:30 p.m., at chapel, 3440 W. 26th street. Interment Bohemian National. (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 10-23-1942, Page 27)
John Wisniewski 1966; Find A Grave # 240919330
John F. Wisniewski of Naperville, Ill., age 74, beloved husband of Lillie; loving father of John F. Jr. and Earle J.; grandfather of six; dear brother of Mrs. Irene Dedouch and Florian. Member of Cicero lodge, No. 955, A. F. & A. M. In lieu of flowers contributions to Naperville Christian Science society of First Church of Christ Scientist, Berwyn, will be appreciated. Funeral services Thursday, 8 p.m., at Friedrich Funeral Home, 44 S. Mill street, Naperville. (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 1-26-1966, Page 31)
Lillian Wisniewski 1985; Find A Grave # 240919307
Lillie Wisniewski, nee Strnad, beloved wife of the late John F; loving mother of John F, (Dorothea) and Earle; dear sister of Rose Eier; fond grandmother of six; great-grandmother of four. Memorial service Saturday, April 13, 2:20 pm at Beidelman Kunech Funeral Home, 117 W. Wan Buren, Naperville, memorials may be made to First Church Christ Scientist, Naperville, or charity of your choice in Lillies's memory. (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 3-31-1985, Page 39)
Anton Cervenka and Katerina Hrach and Emma Pekar - Lot 12 Block 4 Section O
Anton Cervenka. 5118 W. 23d street, Cicero, suddenly, age 83 years, beloved husband of the late Emma Cervenka, nee Peker; fond father of Rose Stastny And Emily Irey, father-in-law of James Stastny, grandfather of Eunice Stastny. brother Of Anna Strnad, brother-in-law of Bessie Cervenka. Member of Oriental lode. No. 33, A. F. A A. M., and Lafayette council. Royal League. Services Saturday, 2 p. m.. at home 'or funerals. 5844 W. Cermak road. Cremation Bohemian National cemetery.
Anton Cervenka was born, 2-20-1868, at Ujezd Svateho Krize, Okres Domažlice, Plzeňský (Plzen), Czech Republic. (1)
Parents Jan Cervenka and Marie Holub were married in 1858. They would have seven known children born in Bohemia. Departing from Hamburg on 5-14-1882, listing Kriz as the last residence, and arriving at New York City on 5-26-1882, aboard the ship Cimbria: Jan Cervenka 53, Marie 37, Anton 9, Anna 8, Jan 7, Karl 6. Sons Joseph, Frank, and Vaclav are not listed, but they also would arrive and live in Chicago.
Anton Cervenka married Katerina Hrach on 9-26-1891. Katerina died in February 1892/93, and their infant daughter, Katerina, died one month later. Both are buried in the same family grave site. Katerina - Find A Grave #240244207
Anton married Emma Pekar on 3-23-1895 in Chicago.
1900 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 10 D2087 Page 55 at 1048 Troy
Anton Bervenka 32, Emma 26, Rose 6/12
1910 Illinois Cook Chicago Ward 12 D0593 Page 28 at 2138 Troy
Anton Vervenka 42, Emma 36, Rosie 11, Emma 9
1920 Illinois Cook Cicero D0055 Page 30 at 5118 W. 23rd
Antone Cervenka 42, Emma 45, Rose 21, Emily 19
1930 Illinois Cook Cicero D2084 Page 8 at 5118 W. 23rd
Anton Cervenka 62, Emma 55
1940 Illinois Cook Cicero 16-134 Page 11 at 5118 W. 23rd
Anton Cervenka 72, Emma 65, Emma 39
1950 Illinois Cook Cicero 104-35 page 19 at 5118 W. 23rd
Anton Cervenka 82
Emma Pekar Cervenka died in 1947 - Find A Grave # 139661583
"Emma Cervenka, nee Pekar, of 5118 W. 23d street, Cicero, March 29, 1947, beloved wife of Anton, fond mother of Rose Stastny and Emily Frey, mother-in-law of James Stastny and Clayton Irey, grandmother of Eunice Stastny. Services Wednesday, 1 p.m., at home for funerals, 5844 W. Cermak road. Interment Bohemian National cemetery." (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, March 31, 1947.)
Anton died in 1952 - Find A Grave #139661466
"Anton Cervenka 5118 W. 23rd street, Cicero, suddenly, age 83 years, beloved husband of the late Emma Cervenka nee Pekar; fond father of Rose Stastny and Emily Irey, father in law of James Stastny, grandfather of Eurnice Stastny, brother of Anna Strnad, brother in law of Bessie Cervenka. Member of Oriental lodge, No. 33, A.F. & A. M., and Lafayette council, Royal League. Services Satufday, 2 pm at home for funerals, 5844 W. Cermak Road. Cremation Bohemian National cemetery....." (The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, January 26, 1952)
Karel Cervenka (Lot 12 Block 4 Section O) and Antonia Salova Cervenka (Wisconsin)
Karel Cervenka was born, 2-24-1872, at Ujezd Svateho Krize #40, Okres Domažlice, Plzeňský (Plzen), Czech Republic (1)
Parents Jan Cervenka and Marie Holub were married in 1858. They would have seven known children born in Bohemia. Departing from Hamburg on 5-14-1882, listing Kriz as the last residence, and arriving at New York City on 5-26-1882, aboard the ship Cimbria: Jan Cervenka 53, Marie 37, Anton 9, Anna 8, Jan 7, Karl 6. Sons Joseph, Frank, and Vaclav are not listed, but they also would arrive and live in Chicago.
Karel Cervenka married Antonia Salova on 3-15-1893 in Chicago. (2)
Son, Jaroslav, was born on 12-10-1893 in Chicago. Karel died in 1896 and is buried in the Cervenka family grave site in BNC - Lot 12 Block 4 Section O - Find A Grave #143260855
After Karel's death in 1896, it appears that Antonia and son, Jaroslav, moved to Wisconsin where Antonia had relatives.
1900 Wisconsin Jackson Brockway D0058 Page 3
Antonie Cervenka 28, Jaroslav 6
Family Search records indicate that Antonia Toninka Schally Salova died on 2-1-1904 in Clay, Jacskon, Wisconsin and was buried in Komensky Cemetery, Black River Falls, Jackson Wisconsin. Ancestry lists the spelling - Antonie Schally Cervenkee - Jackson, Wisconsin - (3) No Find A Grave memorial found.
1920 Wisconsin, Jackson, Komensky D0055 Page 2
Jerry Cervenka 26, Joseph Schally 73, Hanna 75 (listed as grandparents)
Jerry Cervenka would live, marry and die in Wisconsin (1974). Find A Grave # 60987946
2., Cook County Illinois USA Marriages Index 1971 - 1920, FHL Film Number 1030225.
3. Wisconsin, US, Death Index, 1808-1907. Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. Wisconsin Vital Record Index, Pre-1907, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
All Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois, cemetery grave site images were taken by society volunteer.