John Cervenka's:  Offices - Activities - Memberships

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Listing The Activities of John A. Cervenka


Mechanic Until 1897 (1)

Cabinet maker Until 1897 (1)

Union Representative Amalgamated Woodworkers’ Union Until 1899 (1)

Restaurant – Saloon – Hall Owner 1899 (1)

Blue Island Merchants Association 1901 (2)

Independent Candidate for the Tenth Ward 1902 (3)

One of Three to incorporate the Pilsen Brewing Company of Chicago 1903 (4)

President Pilsen Brewing Company 1903 (5)

President - Czech Tavern keepers’ Association 1907 (6)

One of three to incorporate the Cream City Park Amusement Company of Chicago 1907 (7)

Bohemian Charitable Association – First Charity Ball Committee – 1910 (8)

Bohemian Charitable Association – Anton Cermak, John Cervenka together - 1911 (8) (10)

Clerk of the Probate Court of Chicago first elected - 1910 (9)

Member Odd Fellows (1) (10)

Member Eagles (1) (10)

Member American Bohemian Press Bureau (10)

National Delegate to the Liquor Dealers’ Protective Association of Illinois (10)

Member National Liquor League of America (10)

Vice President United Societies for Local Self Government (10)

Member Chicago Plan Commission (11 PLAN)

Grand Marshall of the Sane Fourth of July Parade 1911 (12)
(Organization promoting safe use of fireworks on July fourth Celebrations)

Charles Vopicka and John Cervenka committee members for the Sane Parade (13)

The Ceska Dobrocinna Spolecnost (Bohemian Charitable Association)
Anton Cermak and John Cervenka 1911, To support Utulna A Sirotcinnec (Old People's Home and Orphanage) 1912 (14)

United Societies of Chicago (large organization to protect personal liberties and local government) Cermak and Cervenka 1911 – 1918 (15)

Leader of the Bohemia Society Branch of the United Societies for Local Self Government 1915 (16)

Spolek Cesko-Americka Nemocnice (Czech-American Hospital Association) John Cervenka President 1917 (17)

Masaryk Day, sponsored by Czech National Association, held at Pilsen Brewery Pavilion / Park – assisted by Cervenka - 1917 (18)

Austria Parade 1917 – Altercation between parade goers and Czech Sokol members – Anton Cermak and John Cervenka make arrangements to have all Sokol members released after their arrests. (19)

Director American State Bank 1918 (20)

Liberty Bond Fund Raiser – Pilsen Park – Anton Cermak and John Cervenka part of committee to raise funds to purchase Liberty Bonds - 1918 (21)

Member of the Cook County Board of Assessors 1918 (22)

Member of the Czechoslovak Trade Congress 1918 - 1919 (23)

Vice President Kaspar American State Bank – Blue Island at 19th - 1925 (24)

Vykonny Vybor Bazaru Svobody v Chicagu (Liberty Bazaar) – participated in raising funds to support “invalids, widows, and orphans of the Czechoslovak Legionnaires"  1922 (25)

Treasurer City of Chicago 1924 (26)

City of Chicago Purchasing Agent time of Anton Cermak and later 1931- 1949 (27)

Chairman of the Czechoslovakian Section of the World’s Fair 1933 (28)

Executive Board of the United Societies and Liberty League – “Personal Liberty Day” (Alternate Name – Personal Responsibility Day) John Cervenka and Otto Kerner participate to provide 1000 barrels of beer for the event at the World’s Fair. 1933 (29)

President of the Czechoslovak National Alliance of America 1938 (30)

Honorary President of the Czech American National Alliance
Fund Raiser for Wounded Czech Soldiers 1940 (31)

President Bohemian Charitable Association – 1941 (32)

Honorary Presidents of Czechoslovak National Council of America and Czech American National Alliance – Organize, gather support, to help Czechoslovakia resist the Nazis. - 1942 (33)

Honorary President and participant in the Lidice Memorial Remembrances 1946 (34)




1. "John A. Cervenka" - The Inter Ocean Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, January 1, 1912, Page 38.

2. "Blue Island Avenue Merchants Open First Annual Celebration" - The Inter Ocean Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, November 3, 1901, Page 9.  Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, November 3, 1902, Page 15.

3. The Chicago Eagle, Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, March 29, 1902, Page 4.

4. "New Incorporations" - The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, September 17, 1903, Page 15.

5. The Inter Ocean Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, October 10, 1903, Page 9.

6. "Czech Tavern Keepers Versus Blue Laws" - Denni Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, December 6, 1907.

7. "New Incorporations" - The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, May 12, 1907, Page 11.

8. "Bohemian Charitable Association of Chicago, Charity Ball" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, October 27, 1910, Page 7.  "Mayor Aids Search For Kidnaped Girl" - The Inter Ocean Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, April 23, 1911, Page 8.

9. "John A. Cervenka", - The Inter Ocean Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, January 1, 1912, Page 38.

10. "Active in Bohemian Circles", - The Inter Ocean Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, September 11, 1910, Page 20.


12. "Everything Set For Sane Fourth" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, July 2, 1911, Page 3.

13. "The Bohemian Section of the Fourth of July Parade Is to Be the Most Magnificent" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, June 21, 1911. AND "Yesterday's Parade Witnessed by about Two Hundred Thousand People the Bohemian Section Was One of the Most Colorful" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, July 5, 1911.

14. "Annual Meeting of the Ceska Dobrocinna Spolecnost" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, Feb. 12, 1912.

15. "Sixth Annual Convention of the United Societies of Chicago the Bohemians Played Leading Role in a Stormy Session" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, May 22, 1911.

16. "Wets Set Date For Big Parade To Slap Mayor" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, October 22, 1915, Page 1.

17. "Meeting of the Czech American Hospital Ass'n" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, Apr. 13, 1917.

18. "Celebrate Their Leader's Birthday" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, March 8, 1917.

19. "Slavs from Austria-Hungary in Parade" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, January 22, 1917.

20. "American State Bank" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, January 11, 1918, Page 16.

21. "Pershing's Boys Moved by Czech Loyalty to U.S." - The Chiicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, May 4, 1918, Page 4.

22. "County Winners", - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, November 6, 1918, Page 1.

23. "Czecho-Slovak Trade Congress To Meet Today" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, February 3, 1919, Page 3.  and "Czecho-Slovaks Organize to Aid Slav-U.S. Trade" - February 5, 1919, Page 10.

24. The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, July 7, 1925, Page 10.

25."Supplemetary Report of the Liberty Bazaar" - Denní Hlasatel, Czech Language Newspaper, Chicago Illinois, January 20, 1922.

26. "Official Election Figures" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, April 8, 1923, Page 3.

27. "J. A. Cervenka, Former Leader in Politics, Dies"" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, August 30, 1951, Page 18.

28. "Bohemia's Place in Brewing Will be Shown at Fair" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illlinois, February 2, 1933, Page 13. and "Largest Crowd Visits The Fair Since First Day", June 18, 1933, Page 7.

29. "Chicago's Thirst Will Be Put To Test Tomorrow" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, November 7, 1933, page 8.

30. "Americans of Czech Descent Pledge Aid To Their Homeland" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, September 15, 1938, Page 4.

31. "Rally Today To Raise Funds For Wounded Czech Soldiers" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, June 9, 1940, Page 4.

32. "Bohemian Units Giving Charity Ball Saturday" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, October 12, 1941, Page 136.

33. "Czecho-Slovak Americans Vow To Beat Hitler" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, May 11, 1942, Page 6.

34. "Place Wreaths At Lidice, Ill., For Dead Lidice" - The Chicago Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, Illinois, June 9, 1946, Page 7.